Sustain Evanston
Sustain Evanston
This page contains helpful links to other funding opportunities ranging from rebates up to $245k and financing on millions up to 30 years.
This page also contains links to educational resources to answers questions such as: what project will best reduce my utility bills?
Make an Informed Decision
Get an assessment from energy professionals! Combine discounts and rebates with Sustain Evanston funds.
Rebates up to $1,000
The Green Business Engagement National Network
(GBENN) and Intuit have partnered to help small
businesses in four states save energy and money by
implementing energy efficiency upgrades so businesses can operate more sustainably. Rebates up to $1,000 will be awarded to about 45 businesses in IL.
Illinois Small Business Capital and Infrastructure Grant Program
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity grant for $10,000 - $245,000 to small businesses across the state to help eligible businesses achieve sustainable growth, improve efficiency, and create and retain jobs. Eligible project costs for the grant include:
- Planning
- Land and Building Acquisition
- Buildings, Additions, or Structures
- Site Improvements
Learn More About Building Energy and Efficiency
Building Energy Resource Hub can connect you to more experts, learnings, and funding.
Rebate Finder
Combine other financial incentives with Sustain Evanston.
Evanston's Economic Development Portal
See what other city programs you might qualify for.
Upfront Financing with Fixed Rates From Cook County
Commercial property assessed clean energy (CPACE) financing is an innovative tool that provides low-cost, long-term financing for energy efficiency, renewable energy, water conservation, and resiliency projects in commercial buildings. Cook County commercial property owners can obtain up to 100% upfront financing from private capital providers for qualified upgrades such as HVAC, lighting and solar photovoltaic systems, and many more, in both existing buildings and new construction projects. By doing these efficiency improvement, annual utility savings are generally greater than the annual C-PACE financing payments, generating positive cash flow from day one.
Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) and Illinois Finance Authority (IFA) are now accepting pre-applications for the Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund (EE RLF) program. This initiative offers low-interest Bridge Loans to nonprofits, public entities, and commercial building owners in order to finance clean energy projects, such as building electrification, energy storage, and distributed generation, while addressing funding gaps caused by delays in receiving federal direct pay tax credits and Illinois Solar for All incentives. Apply for the EE RLF Bridge Loan here: Pre-application Link
For questions, please contact sustainability@cityofevanston.org.